Sunday, January 21, 2007

Jack Walker: Living in the past

The Medford Mail Tribune's Sunday editorial, 1/21/07, carries the following title. Jack Walker: Living in the Past. And that's what our eldest commissioner is doing. Jack is "Stuck in a time warp..." according to the editorial. Read it for yourself.

A question for all of Jackson County's citizens to ponder is: should our elected representatives on the County Commission be attempting to impose their personal vision on the county, to represent the narrow concerns of special interests, to operate without transparency behind closed doors; or, should our elected officials be listening to the county residents, the region's largest daily newspaper, the retired presiding judge of the Superior Court and countless others who are asking for an opportunity to put financial solutions to our problems on the ballot and allow voters to decide? Jack, are you listening?

"...Jackson County desperately needs leadership rather than wishful thinking."
Medford Mail Tribune, Editorial 01/21/07

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